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In 2018, a recording-breaking 82.6 million international tourists visited Spain. This year, official forecasts predict a record number of foreign tourists visiting during the busy summer months of July, August and September.   

Holiday Footprint is an initiative organised by which looks to encourage good sustainable lifestyle practices in the holiday rental industry.

Launching in July 2019, the Holiday Footprint Recycling Campaign. Each countries has differently recycling procedures and aims to educate how foreign visitors to recycle in Spain with a clear and concise poster that explains how to recycle in Spain.

Holiday rental owners can download the post and print the poster for free to include in their welcome pack, or pin up on their wall or fridge, to show what waste can goes in which recycling bin. Recycling Poster

Holiday Rental Owners and Rental Managers can download and print this poster to display in your holiday rental home for your guests.


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